who are the gondoliers: what’s happening in Venice now, through the lens of generational gondolier knowledge

gondoliers are an iconic yet living element— and tourist attraction in Venice, often third fourth or fifth generation gondoliers, they continue to provide an extravagent-- but timelessly attractive, pleasant and desirable service for tourists

how did the outlawing of the grandi nave change the city? change the nature / type of tourists or their behavior, impact here ?

who are their favorite tourists?

do they live in Venice?

what do they do for fun?

what’s the hardest part about being a gondolier in 2022?

what did they do during the pandemic ?  has covid changed Venice for the better? what do they miss about pre-covid venice, if anything ?

what’s their favorite spot in Venice— off the radar ?

how do they tell the history of gondoliering in Venice ?


what can we do to help sustain this timelessly magical place, from the perspective of a gondolier?


Alternative beds
